Terms and Conditions for use of the AIM Checklists

Please read the following copyright information and click the button below to say that you accept the terms and conditions of use of the AIM Checklists.


The AIM Checklists are copyrighted to Carol Carson and The AIM Project 2021. The moral right of Carol Carson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988

All rights reserved. None of the AIM Checklists may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) nor shared with other parties without the written permission of the copyright owners or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS

Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil  claim for damages and criminal prosecution.

Terms and Conditions

Definition of Access

One access is limited to 14 continuous hours.

By access we mean the signing into our website using the username and password you set up during the purchase of the checklists.

Access starts from when you log in to our website with the username and password you set up, regardless of whether you click through to the checklists or not. If you access our website using your username and password again after the period of fourteen hours it will count as a new access and reduce your remaining balance of accesses you purchased.

If you intend to just view our website content or book training places but not use the checklists we recommend that you view our website without logging in.

If you access our website within the same 14 hour period but on different devices it will be counted as a second access and will reduce your remaining balance even if it is within the same 14 hour period. (For example: You first access the website at 9 am at work using your work laptop and then access it again through your mobile at 7 pm the same day. This will be two accesses even though it is in the same 14 hour period)

If other people use your username and password and access the website on their own devices this will count as a separate access each time and will reduce your remaining balance


The AIM Checklists outcome forms are available to download or print for use in practice.

The AIM How to use the Checklists guide is available to download or print for use in practice


The AIM Video on How to use the Checklists guide can be viewed on the AIM website (www.aimproject.org.uk) and can be accessed with the password generated for your account.

The AIM Checklists themselves cannot be downloaded, printed off nor shared digitally or in hard copy with anyone who has not purchased them. They can be viewed on the AIM website (www.aimproject.org.uk) and can be accessed with the password generated for your account.

When purchasing access to the AIM Checklists, you will have identified the numbers of times you wanted to make use of this resource (we refer to this as accesses). Once you have put in your password, your account will automatically be reduced by one access each time in line with the access definition set out above. When the balance reaches zero you will no longer be able to access the AIM Checklists unless you make a new purchase. You will receive an email when you use your last access.

I agree that I will respect the copyright and abide by the terms and conditions in this Licence

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