Welcome to the AIM Checklists
The AIM Checklists provide a framework to inform and support professional decision making, as not all behaviours which have a sexual component will need a referral to another agency or an AIM3 or AIM Under 12s assessment. There are four AIM Checklists to reflect different levels of development due to age or ability.

With kind permission from the author, The AIM Checklists incorporate Simon Hackett’s Sexual Behaviour Continuum (2010), with columns headed Normal, Inappropriate, Problematic and Abusive/Violent. All four AIM Checklists are based on research and practice with 8 key questions providing a contextual overview of the sexual behaviour to give a balanced perspective
To keep the AIM Checklists up to date with new research and practice knowledge we periodically update them and therefore it is advisable that when you want to use them please access them from the website to ensure that you have the most up to date version
How to Use the Checklists
It is very important that you understand how to use the checklists before putting them into practice, we have provided written guidance and also a video guide. Please ensure you read through our “How to Use Guidance” below, which can be downloaded by clicking the 3 dots on the menu below the document and then please watch our how to use video guide.
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When you have read and understand the how to guidance above and you are ready to access the AIM Checklists, select the specific checklist below
The AIM Checklists for Adolescents
The AIM Checklists for Children Under 12 Years Old
The AIM Checklists for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities