Consultation Service
The AIM Project consultation services can be bought as stand-alone or as wrap around packages with our training courses. We will work with you to make your consultation package bespoke to you, to meet your service/team needs
Our consultations are not supervisory relationships but instead provide advice on things to consider based on the information provided, this is not practice direction or managerial decision making, which remain with the relevant manager
To make the consultations economical for our Commissioners, they will be provided through online platforms such as Zoom or Teams or by telephone
Menu of Services
- Case work Consultation
Case consultation within a package of 3 – 6 sessions (minimum package is 3 sessions), which may look at different case/s each session or which follow through on one or two complex cases. This could be offered for individual professionals or groups, for examples, a team, or group of foster carers or residential staff.
- Case work Consultation
- AIM Training Wrap Around Consultation
AIM Training wrap around packages of support, these consultation sessions would follow an AIM training course and can be bought as an additional support to embed the training and increase confidence and competence in practice. Examples are given below
- AIM Training Wrap Around Consultation
- Assessment training (AIM3, AIM Under 12s, Technology Assisted – HSB) followed by a 3 session consultation package supporting practitioners going through their first assessment
- Intervention training followed by a 6 session consultation package over a 6 -12 month period to support practitioners in developing and working through a treatment programme
- Supervisors training then 3 session consultation package to support the supervisor in overseeing their first case/s to develop confidence and competence
- Restorative practice training then 3 session consultation package to support practitioners in assessing suitability for their first restorative meeting with HSB