Face to Face Courses
We offer direct, face to face training on children and young people with harmful sexual behaviour, suitable for practitioners particularly in Children’s Services, Youth Offending Teams, CAMHs, Education, Residential and Foster Care
Foundation Courses
For more details, please click on the course title for the course profile and a booking form
Foundation Awareness Courses: Attendance Criteria
All our foundation awareness courses are one day and are open to practitioners from all agencies. They have been created to develop a professional understanding of children and young people who display HSB. This will benefit those who need to understand these behaviours but who may not be involved in assessments or direct work, as well those practitioners who wish to go on to take our advanced courses.
Foundation Awareness of Harmful Sexual Behaviour
Foundation Awareness of Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour
Specific Practice Settings courses: Attendance Criteria
These courses provide information on understanding and managing HSB in specific settings.
- Referral Order Training – Suitable for Youth Justice panel members and panel co-ordinators who organise and support panel members
- Residential Training – Suitable for all Residential Staff and professionals who support Residential Staff
- Foster Carer Training – Suitable for all Foster Carers and professionals who support Foster Carers
- Education Training – Suitable for all educational staff and professionals who support educational staff
Two Day Advanced Courses
All our advanced courses are two days and are designed to build on previous knowledge of HSB, either through attendance on our foundation courses, or through relevant practice experience, therefore they are pitched at a more advanced level of practice knowledge and understanding. The courses cover the AIM models for assessment and intervention for children and adolescents and, also specialist topics such as Technology-Assisted HSB and Restorative Practice and HSB. It also includes a Supervisor’s Course.
Attendance Criteria:
- Practitioners must have at least a basic understanding of HSB, gained through our foundation courses or relevant practice experience.
- For all the assessment courses, participants need to have experience in complex assessments generally and ideally experience of working with HSB.
- For the Technology Assisted HSB course, there is an additional requirement that the participants have some previous experience in working with this on their case loads
- For the Intervention Course, there is a requirement that the participants have experience of assessment work and/or direct work with children and young people.
For most of our Advanced courses, books and workbooks on the Model or Practice Guidance are required for the training and provide a useful resource to support the implementation of the training into practice following the course.
A book is the full book for the course, which has all the relevant information which underpins the Model or Practice Guidance, including up to date research and theoretical underpinnings.
A workbook is the practical part of the full book
Each participant will require access to either a full book or a work book, so for each course we require that commissioners purchase two full books so that all the practitioners have access to this research and theoretical underpinnings when writing their reports and the remainder can be purchased as workbooks.
Your requirements will be discussed with you when booking a course
The Advanced Courses are:
- AIM3 Assessment for Adolescents Who Display HSB **
- AIM Assessment for Children Under 12 Who Display HSB **
- AIM Intervention Guidance for Adolescents Who Display HSB
- AIM & NSPCC Technology-Assisted HSB Practice Guidance (TA-HSB)
- Restorative Practice and HSB
- Supervising HSB practice
** Please note that both these courses have a competency requirement, see Introduction for more details