Core Team
Carol Carson – The AIM Project Manager
BSc Hons; MA Child Protection; CQSW; AASW

Carol Carson has been a registered social worker for over 35 years working with children and families in a range of settings including field social work, residential and education safeguarding. She also has experience of the management and delivery of children’s services as Head of Safeguarding.
Carol is Director of Carol Carson Associates Ltd and an independent social work consultant and trainer, with a specialism in working with children and young people with harmful sexual behaviours (HSB) gained over 20 plus years of experience of assessments, direct work, development, training and consultancy and is currently offering management services to The AIM Project as a Core AIM Associate and part of the Central Team.
Carson, Carol (2002) Guidelines for Identifying and Managing Sexually Problematic/Harmful Behaviour in Residential Settings. Publisher: The AIM Project
Carson, Carol (2006) Guidelines for Understanding and Managing Sexually Problematic and Harmful Behaviours in Foster Care. The AIM Project
Carson, Carol (2006) Understanding and managing sexual behaviour problems in school settings. Chapter in Children and Young People who sexually abuse others – current developments and practice responses. Edited by Marcus Erooga and Helen Masson.
Carson, Carol (2013) Using AIM Education guidelines to understand and manage sexual behaviour. Article in Children Update, Issue 99, June 2013
Carson, Carol (2020) Johnny and the Sparkles in his Pants (Children’s book) Publisher: View from the Port Publishing