Christine McCarlie – AIM Associate trainer

Christine is a registered qualified Social Worker, for over 25yrs specialising in work with children and young people with harmful sexual behaviours.
In 1994 she managed and developed the Halt Project, one of the first specialist projects in Scotland working with harmful sexual behaviours. In 2005 she became an independent Social Worker and set up Safer Futures Ltd which provides consultation, training and direct work with young people with HSB and the adults around them. She also provides support to staff working in specialist services and residential and foster care organisations. This focuses on understanding trauma and responding to the complex needs of children and young people presenting with harmful sexual behaviours.
Christine has developed risk management processes for Local Authorities and written multi agency risk management protocols which were widely used throughout Scotland. She co-authored MARR (Management, Assessment and Risk Reduction), a practice guide for practitioners and managers working with children and young people with HSB. For several years she has been an AIM Associate trainer and has co-written the AIM Intervention Guidance (2019).