Professor Simon Hackett – Academic Advisor to AIM

Simon is Professor of Child Abuse and Neglect at Durham University. His work in relation to sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour in childhood is internationally known. He has conducted extensive research and has published widely in this area. Recent work includes a study of long-term outcomes for children and young people between ten and twenty years after the initial identification of their harmful sexual behaviour. Simon was part of the NICE Public Health Advisory Committee which has established the first UK national guidance on early interventions for harmful sexual behaviours. He has given evidence to the UK Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse and previously supported the Australian Royal Commission on this topic. He is immediate past Chair of NOTA in the UK and Republic of Ireland and is currently a member of the ATSA Board. Simon is first author of the NSPCC harmful sexual behaviour framework, designed to improve multi-agency responses to children and families. Simon is co-author of the 2019 AIM3 Assessment Model with Marcella Leonard. Simon’s practice base in this area extends back to the early 1990s. He was previously a Programme Director and one of the co-founders of G-MAP.
Selected publications
- Balfe, M., Hackett, S., Masson, H. and Phillips, J. (2020) Young men with harmful sexual behaviour problems: a qualitative exploration of the nature and characteristics of their violence. Journal of Sexual Aggression
- Hackett, S. (2019) Assessing the needs of children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviours. In: (Eds) Horwarth, J. & Platt, D. The Child’s World (Third Edition). London, Jessica Kingsley
- Balfe, M., Hackett, S., Masson, H. and Phillips, J. (2019) The disrupted sociologies of young people with harmful sexual behaviours: a qualitative analysis of 117 cases. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 25, 2, 177-192
- Leonard, M. and Hackett, S. (2019) The AIM3 Assessment Framework. Manchester, AIM.
- Hackett, S. and Smith, S. (2018) Young People who engage in child sexual exploitation behaviours. London, Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse
- Campbell, F., Booth, A., Hackett, S. and Sutton, A. (2018) Children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviours and their families: A qualitative synthesis of their experiences of professional interventions. Trauma, Violence and Abuse
- Hackett, S. (2016) Exploring the relationship between neglect and harmful sexual behaviours in children and young people: Evidence Scope 3. Dartington, Research in Practice.
- Hackett, S., Holmes, D. & Branigan, P. (2016) Harmful sexual behaviour framework: An evidence-informed operational framework for children and young people displaying harmful sexual behaviours. London, NSPCC.
- Hackett, S., Masson, H. Balfe, M. & Phillips, J. (2015) Community reactions to young people who have sexually abused and their families: a Shotgun blast, not a rifle shot. Children and Society, 29 (4): 243-254
- Masson, H., Hackett, S., Phillips, J. and Balfe, M. (2015) Developmental markers of risk or vulnerability? Young females who sexually abuse – characteristics, backgrounds, interventions and outcomes. Child and Family Social Work 20 (1): 19-29
- Hackett, S. (2014) Children and young people with harmful sexual behaviours. A research review. Dartington, Research in Practice. ISBN 978-1-904984-49-8
- Hackett, S., Balfe, M., Masson, H. and Phillips, J. (2014) Family responses to young people who have sexually abused: anger, ambivalence and acceptance. Children and Society. 28 (2): 128-139
- Hackett, S., Masson, H., Balfe, M. and Phillips, J. (2013) Individual, family and abuse characteristics of 700 British child and adolescent sexual abusers. Child Abuse Review 22(4): 232–245.