
AIM Intervention guidance for Adolescents and their Parents/Carers re HSB

GBP £412.00

£412 per person for up to 2 bookings from the same organisation. This price includes a copy of the AIM Intervention guidance

If you are booking more than 2 places you can reduce the training costs to £280 per person for up to 3 additional places. These additional places do not include a copy of the Intervention Guidance. Before you make the booking, contact us on to reduce the number of books required in the order. We will give you a voucher code to use at checkout. However, please do not delay in contacting us as course places sell out fast

If you have sufficient books within your service, which can be made available to the delegates for the training, then before you make a booking, contact us on to reduce the number of books required in the order. We will give you a voucher code to use at checkout. However, please do not delay in contacting us as course places sell out fast

Please note that we can only ship books to one address per order

Tier deal
Quantity Discount Discounted price
1 - 2 - GBP £412.00
3 - 5 GBP £132.00 GBP £280.00

See description above for tiered Pricing


Two Day AIM Intervention Course: Online Course
Working with young people who display harmful sexual behavior
Target audience
This course is targeted at professionals from Social Care, Youth Offending and Specialist providers, who have experience of complex assessment work and/or experience in working with or looking after young people with complex needs and who are currently working with or looking after young people presenting with harmful sexual behaviours (HSB). Participants should have a basic understanding of harmful sexual behaviours, gained either through relevant practice experience or training, such as attending our foundation HSB courses. Although having attended AIM3 or AIM Under 12 training is not a requirement, this course refers to both AIM3 and AIM Under 12 assessments and provides a natural follow on from those training courses. Participants need to have Access to and some knowledge of the platform chosen for delivery of training.
Due to the subject matter, a safe space in which to undertake this training with minimal interruptions, where possible, is required. This is pertinent to those working from home, particularly with children present.
Course Information
During these unprecedented times and whilst we are adapting to Covid-19, we are offering our Intervention training online. Participants will also be asked to do some preparation for day two that includes reading material provided in advance, as well as reflecting on some of their own cases.
Both days offer a degree of participant involvement that is both interactive and invites them to consider how they may apply theory, tools and practice to their intervention with young people and adults around them. Participants will be involved in developing plans for intervention and invited to consider and analyse change throughout. Day One sets the four-stage Framework in place, whilst Day Two looks to build the intervention skills and tools required to complete the work.
Course Aim
This two-day course aims to develop practice confidence and competence in working with young people with harmful sexual behaviours, and their families.
It is based on the AIM Intervention Guidance (Guilhermino & McCarlie 2019) which is designed to complement the AIM3 assessment and case formulation outcome. The AIM Intervention guidance offers a four-stage intervention framework based on current research and theory. This dovetails with the young person’s profile developed within the AIM3 Assessment Model. The assessment will have identified areas of work for both the young person and the adults around them. It is recognised that adults supporting the young person have a dual role managing safety and building the young person’s resilience. The Intervention Guidance therefore offers a comprehensive systemic approach to intervention.
The Intervention Guidance is not a manualised approach. Practitioners will be using the information from the assessment to determine the level and type of intervention the young person and adults require to facilitate change.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course participants will:
Develop confidence and competence in using the AIM Intervention Framework to develop an intervention plan bespoke to the individual needs of a young person
Understand the need for engagement and openness with all the adults around the young person
Have an understanding of the theories and approaches underpinning the framework
Have been provided with examples of exercises for use in practice and the opportunity to try these out

Additional information

Course Dates

25/26 June 2025, 9/10 October 2025

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